
AEON Drone #15689234 Reporting For Duty

I finished training! All done! We did our final lessons on Friday and I got my official name tag and Aeon pin and everything. I am going to my school and moving into my apartment tomorrow. Thankfully, I will be observing for a little while before I really start teaching. I wouldn't feel so confident teaching 4 lessons on Tuesday already, but hopefully I will get there soon.

Last night I went to the KUIS R.F.C. (Kanda University of Int'l Studies Rugby Football Club) 20th Anniversary party/ banquet. I got to see all the old players and managers that I hadn't seen in almost 2 years. It was also congratulating the coach, Mr. Ichinose, who has been with the club for 20 years. It was pretty swank! All the guys were in suits and we had a nice place reserved and catered with an open bar and everything. I couldn't understand too much, but it was really awesome. My friends were making fun of me because I have forgotten so much Japanese! It was funny. Afterwards about 15-20 of us went to a Japanese style bar (izakaya) and had some drinks and chatted. It was really great.

Now, I am going to meet Mariko, one of the managers of the rugby team when I played, to watch a college rugby game in Tokyo. Teikyo University vs. Waseda-- the best collegiate rugby team in Japan from what I understand. It's going to be in a huge stadium and everything! I need to get going! It takes forever to get there.

Miss everyone.

3 件のコメント:

Brenda Hiatt さんのコメント...

Congratulations on finishing your training! You're like a real, productive member of society now! How cool that you got to see and hang out with the rugby team from your semester abroad. Was it weird, or just fun? I can't wait to hear your firsthand account of your new apartment!
Love, Mom :)

BethanyBarber さんのコメント...

Open bar + rugby players in suits= AWESOME.

Luca さんのコメント...

wow, congrats for MAKING IT in the land of the rising sun...and teach some discipline to those 3 years old, tackle who steps out of the line!keep posting!